Lyme Disease Naturopath: Natural Treatment & Holistic Care (2024)

Welcome to our article on Lyme disease naturopathic treatment. Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is prevalent in many areas of the US and can cause a wide range of symptoms, including joint pain, fatigue, and fever.

As a naturopathic doctor, I take a holistic approach to Lyme disease treatment that focuses on supporting the body’s natural healing process. This includes using natural remedies, alternative medicine, and holistic treatments to help manage symptoms and promote healing.

In this article, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of Lyme disease, the limitations of conventional treatment options such as antibiotics and medications, and the various natural and holistic treatments that can be used to support healing. We’ll also discuss the importance of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes in managing the disease, as well as precautions and preventative measures that can be taken to avoid contracting it.

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional treatment options for Lyme disease, read on to learn more about the naturopathic approach to this illness and how it can support your body’s natural healing process.

Understanding Lyme Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacterium is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks. Lyme disease is most commonly found in the northeastern and upper Midwest regions of the United States, but it can also occur in other parts of the country.

Not everyone who gets bitten by an infected tick will develop Lyme disease. However, if left untreated, the disease can cause serious health problems.

Causes of Lyme Disease

The bacterium that causes Lyme disease is typically transmitted to humans through the bite of a blacklegged tick. The tick must be infected with the bacterium, which means it must have fed on an infected animal, typically a mouse or a deer.

If a tick bites a human, it can take anywhere from 36 to 48 hours for the bacterium to be transmitted. This is one reason why it’s important to remove ticks as soon as possible, before they have a chance to transmit the disease.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

The symptoms of Lyme disease can vary from person to person. Some people may not experience any symptoms at all, while others may develop a wide range of symptoms.

The most common symptom of Lyme disease is a rash, known as erythema migrans. The rash is a circular red rash that appears at the site of the tick bite. It typically appears within 3 to 30 days of the bite and can expand over time. Other symptoms of Lyme disease can include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Facial palsy (drooping on one or both sides of the face)
  • Heart palpitations
  • Shortness of breath

It’s important to note that not everyone with Lyme disease will develop a rash. If you have been bitten by a tick and experience any of the symptoms listed above, it’s important to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Conventional Lyme Disease Treatment: Limitations and Side Effects

While antibiotics are the most common treatment for Lyme disease, there are limitations to this form of conventional medicine. For starters, antibiotics alone may not be enough to treat the disease completely. In some cases, people may experience recurring symptoms even after completing a course of antibiotics. Additionally, long-term antibiotic use can have negative side effects on the body, such as disrupting healthy gut bacteria and weakening the immune system.

Other medications may also be prescribed to manage symptoms such as pain and inflammation, but these also come with potential side effects. For example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can increase the risk of bleeding and stomach ulcers, while opioids can be highly addictive and lead to respiratory problems.

It is important to remember that conventional medicine can be helpful in managing Lyme disease symptoms, but it may not provide a complete solution. Seeking out naturopathic approaches and alternative therapies can be a complementary way to manage the disease and promote overall health and wellness.

The Naturopathic Approach to Lyme Disease Treatment

When it comes to treating Lyme disease, naturopathic medicine takes a holistic approach that focuses on supporting the body’s natural healing process. Naturopathic remedies can be used alongside conventional treatments to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and reduce side effects.

One of the key principles of naturopathic medicine is to treat the whole person, taking into account physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. Naturopathic practitioners work with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that address each individual’s unique needs and circ*mstances.

Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

Naturopathic treatments for Lyme disease often incorporate natural remedies that can help to support the immune system and reduce inflammation. Some examples include:

HerbsHerbal remedies such as Japanese knotweed, Cat’s claw, and Andrographis can be effective in fighting Lyme disease and supporting the body’s healing process.
HomeopathyHomeopathic remedies can be personalized to each individual to help support the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Dietary ChangesFollowing an anti-inflammatory diet can help to support the body’s healing process. This may include avoiding processed foods, sugar, and alcohol while increasing intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

It’s important to note that while natural remedies can be effective in treating Lyme disease, they should be used under the guidance of a licensed naturopathic doctor.

By taking a holistic approach and incorporating natural remedies, naturopathic medicine can be an effective tool for managing Lyme disease symptoms and supporting the body’s natural healing process.

Nutritional Support for Lyme Disease

Proper nutrition is essential for supporting the body’s healing process during Lyme disease treatment. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help strengthen the immune system and support overall health.

Lyme Disease Diet

A Lyme disease diet should focus on foods that are anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It’s important to avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol, which can weaken the immune system and contribute to inflammation.

Lyme Disease Nutrition

In addition to a healthy diet, certain vitamins and supplements can be helpful in supporting the body’s healing process. Vitamin C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are all important for boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation. Probiotics can also be effective in promoting healthy gut bacteria and supporting overall health.

Vitamins for Lyme Disease

Some of the most important vitamins for Lyme disease include:

vitaminbenefitsfood sources
Vitamin CBoosts immune system, reduces inflammationCitrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries
Vitamin DSupports immune system, aids in bone healthSunlight, fatty fish, fortified foods
ZincBoosts immune system, aids in wound healingOysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, spinach

Supplements for Lyme Disease

In addition to vitamins, there are other supplements that can be helpful in treating Lyme disease. These include:

  • Probiotics: Helps promote healthy gut bacteria and boost the immune system.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduces inflammation and supports heart health.
  • Grapefruit seed extract: Has natural antimicrobial properties and can help fight infections.

It’s important to talk to a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, as they can interact with other medications and have potential side effects.

Herbal Medicine for Lyme Disease

Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, including Lyme disease. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and immune-boosting properties that can help the body fight off the infection.

One of the most commonly used herbs in Lyme disease treatment is Japanese knotweed. This herb contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation and protect the body from free radical damage. Japanese knotweed is also rich in a compound called emodin, which has been shown to be effective against Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

Another herb that is often used in Lyme disease treatment is andrographis. This herb has been shown to have strong antimicrobial properties and can help boost the immune system. Andrographis is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce pain and swelling associated with Lyme disease.

Japanese knotweedAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory, effective against Borrelia burgdorferi
AndrographisAntimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting

Other herbs that may be used in Lyme disease treatment include cat’s claw, sarsaparilla, and stevia. Cat’s claw is known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, while sarsaparilla has been shown to have antimicrobial effects. Stevia is often used to support the immune system and has been shown to have antibacterial properties.

It’s important to note that while herbs can be a helpful addition to Lyme disease treatment, they should be used under the guidance of a qualified naturopathic doctor or herbalist. Some herbs can interact with medications or have side effects, so it’s important to work with a knowledgeable practitioner to ensure safe and effective use.

Acupuncture for Lyme Disease

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that has gained popularity in the Western world in recent years. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to balance energy flow, which can improve overall health and well-being. For Lyme disease patients, acupuncture can be an effective holistic treatment option.

Acupuncture has been shown to help with pain relief, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, all common symptoms of Lyme disease. It can also boost the immune system and improve circulation, helping the body fight off the bacteria that causes the disease.

During an acupuncture session, the practitioner will place needles into specific points on the body, based on the patient’s symptoms and individual needs. The needles may be left in place for up to 30 minutes, during which time the patient can relax and let the treatment take effect.

It is important to note that acupuncture should be performed by a licensed practitioner who has experience treating Lyme disease patients. It should not be used as a replacement for conventional medical treatment, but rather as a complementary therapy to support the body’s natural healing process.

Homeopathy for Lyme Disease

Homeopathy is a holistic approach to medicine that aims to support the body’s natural healing processes. It involves the use of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. In the case of Lyme disease, homeopathic remedies can be used to alleviate symptoms and support the immune system.

There are many different homeopathic remedies that can be used in the treatment of Lyme disease, depending on the specific symptoms and individual needs of the patient. Some common remedies include:

RemedySymptoms Treated
BelladonnaFever, headache, red skin rashes
Apis mellificaSwollen joints, itching, burning pain
Ledum palustreBite or sting from an insect or tick, joint pain, swelling and bruising

It’s important to work with a licensed and experienced homeopathic practitioner to determine the best remedies for your specific needs. Homeopathy can be a safe and effective complement or alternative to conventional treatments, but it should never be used as a substitute for medical care.

Homeopathy can be a safe and effective complement or alternative to conventional treatments, but it should never be used as a substitute for medical care.

Exercise and Lifestyle Changes for Lyme Disease

Living with Lyme disease can be challenging. However, making certain lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and promote healing. Here are some tips:

1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help improve overall health and reduce symptoms of Lyme disease. It’s important to start with low-impact exercises, such as walking or swimming, and gradually increase intensity as tolerated. Consult your naturopathic doctor before starting any exercise program.

2. Practice stress reduction techniques

Stress can exacerbate Lyme disease symptoms. Finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation or yoga, can be helpful in promoting healing and overall well-being.

3. Get enough rest

Getting quality sleep is essential for the body to heal. It’s important to establish a regular sleep routine and create a comfortable environment conducive to restful sleep.

4. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help support the body’s healing process. Focus on organic, whole foods and avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. Consult your naturopathic doctor for a personalized nutrition plan.

5. Avoid environmental toxins

Toxins can exacerbate Lyme disease symptoms. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins, such as pesticides and mold, as much as possible.

6. Seek emotional support

Living with Lyme disease can be emotionally challenging. Seek out supportive friends and family members or consider joining a support group.

By making these lifestyle changes, you can help manage symptoms of Lyme disease and support the body’s healing process.

Mind-Body Techniques for Lyme Disease

Managing the symptoms of Lyme disease can be both physical and mental. Incorporating mind-body techniques can be helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, and pain associated with the disease. Here are some techniques you can try:

  • Meditation: This practice involves focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, which can help manage symptoms of Lyme disease.
  • Yoga: Yoga combines physical movement with deep breathing and mindfulness. It has been shown to improve flexibility, reduce stress, and increase relaxation.
  • Tai chi: Tai chi is a gentle form of exercise that involves slow, flowing movements. It has been shown to improve balance, flexibility, and mental well-being.
  • Breathing exercises: Focused breathing exercises can help calm the mind and reduce stress. Try taking slow, deep breaths for a few minutes each day.

By incorporating mind-body techniques into your Lyme disease treatment plan, you can help manage symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Integrative Lyme Disease Treatment

Integrative Lyme disease treatment involves the collaboration of a naturopathic doctor with conventional medical practitioners to provide a holistic approach to treating this disease. Naturopathic doctors take a whole-person approach to healthcare and work with patients to support their body’s natural healing process.

In integrative Lyme disease treatment, the naturopathic doctor may recommend natural remedies, nutritional support, herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, exercise, and mind-body techniques alongside conventional medical treatments such as antibiotics. This approach can help to alleviate symptoms, reduce the risk of side effects, and support the body’s overall health and wellness.

Precautions and Preventative Measures for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a serious illness that can have long-term effects on the body. However, there are steps that can be taken to prevent it from occurring. Here are some precautions and preventative measures you can take to avoid contracting Lyme disease:

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when spending time in the outdoors.
  • Use insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin, especially on the legs and arms.
  • Inspect yourself and others for ticks after spending time in wooded or grassy areas.
  • Shower within two hours of spending time outdoors to wash off any ticks that may be on the body.
  • Check pets for ticks regularly, as they can carry them indoors.

It is important to note that ticks can be found in many different types of environments, so it is crucial to take these precautions even if you do not think you will be exposed to them.

Remember, prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to Lyme disease.

Natural Supplements for Lyme Disease

When it comes to treating Lyme disease, natural supplements can be a valuable addition to your healing plan. They can help support the immune system and aid in the body’s healing process. Here are some of the top natural supplements for Lyme disease:

Omega-3 Fatty AcidsAnti-inflammatory properties can reduce joint and muscle pain
ProbioticsReplenish healthy gut bacteria and boost immunity
GarlicAntibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties can aid in fighting Lyme disease
CurcuminAnti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can help reduce symptoms of Lyme disease
MagnesiumCan support muscle and nerve function, and reduce muscle pain and cramps
Vitamin DSupports immune system function, and can reduce inflammation and joint pain

It’s important to note that not all supplements are right for everyone. It’s best to work with a Lyme disease naturopathic doctor to determine which supplements will be best for your individual needs and to ensure that they won’t interact with any other medications or supplements you may be taking.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Lyme Disease Naturopathic Treatment

As more people are seeking alternative treatment options for Lyme disease, it’s natural to have questions about the efficacy and safety of naturopathic treatments. Here are some frequently asked questions about Lyme disease naturopathic treatment:

What is a Lyme disease naturopathic doctor?

A Lyme disease naturopathic doctor is a licensed healthcare practitioner who specializes in treating Lyme disease using natural remedies, holistic care, and alternative medicine. They work with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that support the body’s natural healing process and address the root cause of the disease.

What are some natural remedies for Lyme disease?

There are many natural remedies that can be used to support the body’s healing process during Lyme disease treatment. Some of these include herbs, supplements, and vitamins. Your naturopathic doctor can guide you in selecting the right remedies for your individual needs.

Is naturopathic treatment for Lyme disease effective?

Many people have found naturopathic treatment for Lyme disease to be effective in managing their symptoms and promoting healing. However, it’s important to work with a qualified and experienced naturopathic doctor to ensure that your treatment plan is safe and effective for you.

What are the benefits of a holistic approach to Lyme disease treatment?

A holistic approach to Lyme disease treatment takes into account the whole person, rather than just their individual symptoms. This can lead to a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan that supports the body’s natural healing process and addresses the underlying causes of the disease.

Can naturopathic treatment be used in conjunction with conventional treatment?

Yes, naturopathic treatment can be used alongside conventional treatment for Lyme disease. In fact, a holistic and integrative approach that combines the best of both worlds can often lead to better outcomes and more comprehensive care.

Do I need to take supplements during Lyme disease treatment?

While it’s not necessary for everyone to take supplements during Lyme disease treatment, they can often be helpful in supporting the body’s natural healing process. Your naturopathic doctor can guide you in selecting the right supplements for your individual needs.

How can I prevent Lyme disease?

The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to take precautions when spending time outdoors, such as wearing long pants and sleeves, using insect repellent, and checking yourself for ticks after spending time in wooded areas. It’s also important to work with a qualified healthcare practitioner to develop a plan for preventing and managing Lyme disease.

Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD

Medical DirectoratOasis of Hope|Website

Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD is a renowned integrative medical physician with over 20 years of dedicated experience in the field of integrative medicine. As the Medical Director of the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, he has pioneered innovative treatments and integrative approaches that have been recognized globally for the treatment of cancer, Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, and chronic disease using alternative treatment modalities. Dr. Contreras holds a medical degree from the Autonomous University of Mexico in Toluca, and speciality in surgical oncology from the University of Vienna in Austria.

Under his visionary leadership, the Oasis of Hope Hospital has emerged as a leading institution, renowned for its innovative treatments and patient-centric approach for treating cancer, Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, Long-Haul COVID, and chronic disease. The hospital, under Dr. Contreras's guidance, has successfully treated thousands of patients, many of whom traveled from different parts of the world, seeking the unique and compassionate care the institution offers.

Dr. Contreras has contributed to numerous research papers, articles, and medical journals, solidifying his expertise in the realm of integrative medicine. His commitment to patient care and evidence-based treatments has earned him a reputation for trustworthiness and excellence. Dr. Contreras is frequently invited to speak at international conferences and has been featured on CNN, WMAR2 News, KGUN9 News, Tyent USA, and various others for his groundbreaking work. His dedication to the medical community and his patients is unwavering, making him a leading authority in the field.

Contreras has authored and co-authored several books concerning integrative therapy, cancer, Lyme Disease and heart disease prevention and chronic illness, including "The Art Science of Undermining Cancer", "The Art & Science of Undermining Cancer: Strategies to Slow, Control, Reverse", "Look Younger, Live Longer: 10 Steps to Reverse Aging and Live a Vibrant Life", "The Coming Cancer Cure Your Guide to effective alternative, conventional and integrative therapies", "Hope Medicine & Healing", "Health in the 21st Century: Will Doctors Survive?", "Healthy Heart: An alternative guide to a healthy heart", “The Hope of Living Cancer Free”, “Hope Of Living Long And Well: 10 Steps to look younger, feel better, live longer” “Fighting Cancer 20 Different Ways”, "50 Critical Cancer Answers: Your Personal Battle Plan for Beating Cancer", "To Beat . . . Or Not to Beat?", and “Dismantling Cancer.

Lyme Disease Naturopath: Natural Treatment & Holistic Care (2024)


Lyme Disease Naturopath: Natural Treatment & Holistic Care? ›

Naturopathic Lyme disease treatment may include a combination of nutritional and lifestyle counseling, homeopathic remedies, herbs, and dietary supplements that are recommended based on your specific symptoms and needs.

How to cure Lyme disease holistically? ›

Some people with Lyme disease have reported benefits from taking supplements including:
  1. Magnesium.
  2. Grape Seed extract.
  3. Vitamin B-complex.
  4. Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil)
  5. Probiotics.
  6. Mushroom extract.
  7. Turmeric.
  8. Olive leaf.
Aug 16, 2022

Can your body naturally fight off Lyme? ›

What are the symptoms of Lyme disease? Many people infected with the Lyme bacteria will never have symptoms. Their bodies will cure the infection without needing any treatment.

What is the promising new treatment for Lyme disease? ›

Disulfiram, a medication used to treat alcohol abuse, may be one of the new treatments for Lyme disease in the near future. Two small studies have shown positive results. One patient did relapse at 6 months and was re-treated with disulfiram.

What foods should you avoid if you have Lyme disease? ›

Many experts recommend avoiding foods that can weaken the immune system. Things like processed foods, excess sugar, and alcohol can lead to an overgrowth of yeast, or Candida, which can exacerbate inflammation. Processed foods usually contain excess sugar, which can feed the biofilms that grow around bacteria.

What kills Lyme disease bacteria? ›

The antibiotics most commonly used to treat Lyme disease include doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil. Early diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease can help prevent more severe disease. The antibiotic used and the length of treatment depends on many factors, including: Patient symptoms.

Can your body heal Lyme disease? ›

People often recover within two to six weeks without antibiotics. Even Lyme arthritis often improves on its own as the body's immune system attacked the infection, although it's common for it to return. Antibiotic therapy is highly effective at curing the illness.

What triggers Lyme disease flare-ups? ›

Triggers for Lyme disease vary by person, but they can include: emotional stress (such as a divorce, death in the family, or accidents) physical stress to the body (i.e., surgery, physical harm, concussion) life stress or stressful events.

How long is too late for Lyme disease? ›

Late Lyme disease usually develops 6-36 months after a person first receives the causal infectious tick bite. The symptoms of late Lyme disease differ from the earlier stages.

Does Lyme stay in your system forever? ›

Can Lyme disease completely be cured? Taking oral antibiotics typically cures Lyme disease after two to four weeks. You may need to get antibiotics through the vein (intravenously) for four more weeks. However, there's no reason to think that Lyme disease stays in you forever after treatment.

Why doctors won t treat Lyme disease? ›

Lyme disease is the hardest diagnosis I treat as each patient responds so differently to therapy, it is hard to know where to start with each one, what will work, what will make them worse, etc. Some just never seem to get better no matter what I do. It is gratifying to see others improve.”

How I cured chronic Lyme disease? ›

Antibiotics are the only proven treatment for Lyme disease. Other treatments have not been shown to work or haven't been tested.

How do you get rid of late stage Lyme disease? ›

Treatment for Lyme Disease

Common choices include doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefuroxime, and azithromycin. Later stages of Lyme disease are also often treated with these same pill antibiotics for up to a month; intravenous ceftriaxone is sometimes needed for refractory arthritis or neurologic disease.

Are eggs bad for Lyme disease? ›

In addition to eliminating grains, legumes, industrial seed oils, and refined sugar, it eliminates foods that can trigger intestinal inflammation and food intolerance, including coffee, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds, nightshade vegetables, and alcohol.

Is walking good for Lyme disease? ›

For those being treated for active, early-stage Lyme disease, light to moderate exercise—as much as can be tolerated—is recommended to help alleviate joint and muscle stiffness. Exercising isn't recommended if the patient has any fever or flulike symptoms.

What is the best anti-inflammatory for Lyme disease? ›

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These are usually helpful for symptoms of arthritis that can occur with late Lyme disease. NSAIDs include aspirin and ibuprofen.

How do you reverse Lyme disease? ›

Antibiotics are the only proven treatment for Lyme disease. Other treatments have not been shown to work or haven't been tested.

How to treat a tick bite naturally? ›

At home care for tick bites includes:
  1. Clean the area with an alcohol wipe.
  2. Cover the bite with a poultice of bentonite clay, charcoal, or manuka honey to help draw toxins out. Cover with a bandaid.
  3. Begin to take the herb astragalus to help the body fight virus and infection.
  4. Take homeopathic ledum for bite wounds.

How can I boost my immune system with Lyme disease? ›

Healthy Immune Hygiene in a Lyme Disease Treatment

One of the best ways to optimize the immune system is through regular immune boosting practices. These include light to moderate exercise, meditation, quality sleep, and a healthy diet. For information about sleep see: Sleep 101: The Basics.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.