81 reviews8 followers
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés’s work is a palette cleanser, her work empowering for lost souls and gives a feeling of fullness after a wonderful meal. I highly recommend everyone I know to enjoy this series, “Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype”, and especially, read “Women Who Run With the Wolves”, her seminal work that changed my life at 17 (Thanks Tangie). Deftly combining Jungian psychology with myths and legends from around the world to create a base of understanding and using cleanly spoken academic language, Pinkola-Estés works the reader through trauma, sorrow and revives hope. In “The Late Bloomer”, she begins a plan of healing without promising any need for objects or dependence on outside influences, the power of the Late Bloomer is the energy built up over years of developing the person’s identity and soul to be ready NOW to blossom and do the work we all are capable of, as imperfectly and imprecisely as life requires for all progress. Through trial and error and all the knowledge gained from an imperfect life, this is the only secret to blooming... grow into the direction you need and tell the naysayers, “I know, I know.” I can’t wait to dive into the rest. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- 2020-audio
37 reviews
My favorite installation of the Dangerous Old Woman audio series; this one appeals to me for the same reasons as her work The Creative Fire. I feel connected to my ooey gooey creative center, and I feel humbled and hopeful by her words...apparently I am not the only late bloomer! This knowledge has vivified and reinvigorated me in my quest for creative expression.
- favorites
Cosmic Arcata
249 reviews58 followers
I enjoyed listening to this audio book. Her voice is very soothing and reminds me of a mother reading a bedtime story...only these are for adults. She reminds us that there are many ways to begin again and the rituals of beginning and becoming fully alive.
- fairytales-myths-and-ledgends mythology psychology
6 reviews
This was a steamy, scented bath for my ragged psyche. I can't wait to read more of Madame Estes' work. <3
Marie Zhuikov
Author5 books19 followers
This audio work is good encouragement for creativity, especially for us oldsters. I didn't realize that it's not available in book form until I started searching around for it. Read by the author. Very Jungian.
Shinae Noh
85 reviews1 follower
>> From Chapter 1 We'll have to think the biggest way possible, that is out of the worn-out way, and believe it's totally possibe. (People think doing the same thing for 30 years will produce a different outcome) Lie No.5 lazineds is alright ☆☆☆ Take the next step to the best of your ability(whether it's right or wrong), without waiting so long you're gonna grow big. Don't wait. Go ahead. The waiting, it grows in stages. Like babies in pregnancy. One cell added to another, in a cycle. Daily renewal. Don't be trapped by the ego to look good - to win something that one hasn't actually done the work for. Dream alone is not alright. Laziness is not alright. You have to do the work, whatever the work is. Do what it is that you need to do. Do it now. Time is moving on. No.6 Give us your gold, and we'll give you a magnificent substitute (I'll givr you a place to not tell the truth to others) Real world of blossoming is pain, endeavor, which is tremendous observation. Awakeness, alertness, consciousness, happinees, at the level of the heart and soul. >>From Chapter 2 Tiredness for reinvention. The energy comes from pin-pointing the issue. The issue is not not enough energy. Not making the decision to move. When you're tired, you don't need to rest. The question is always 'how' I don't have enough ~ to do X. -> Once you start doing X, it will give you the energy. Maybe you're resting morr, but you're not doing anything more. You are not making the leap. Energy is brought by excitement, interest, hope, ideas.. Angels fly to you and say, "please, help us bring this out into the world."
Most people are not lazy. They are conflicted and won't be decisive to think next step forward. And they are holding on for perfecrionism.
That's what I see over and over and over again how people stop themselves from blooming.
The tiredness comes from not proceeding. From holding back.
One moves into reinventing oneself by alloweing the water of new life to flow over us, not the same old way. Each day should be different.
Behave yourself rarely. That's how you live.
Misbehave with integrity
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- favorites
21 reviews16 followers
What a stunning piece of literature, like a beautiful dream or a deep mediation session. So therapeutic and calming, and at the same time nurturing and nourishing.
I feel so held, loved and understood having just finished the audio book. Her voice is so comforting: like the voice of a loving parent we wish we had in childhood.
287 reviews
No pit is without a ladder. Play your music to no one and someone will come.
Heidi McIntyre
Author1 book94 followers
I'm a huge fan of Clarissa Pinkola Estes and have read several of her books. Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype is an all-time favorite. She is an amazing storyteller and healer. As a late bloomer myself, this audio book really resonated with me especially since I was going thru a major career transition at the time. I wondered if I waited too long to make this change but listening to this helped me to see that it's never too late to follow your dreams.
- spirituality
364 reviews3 followers
This was a very powerful and timely audiobook for me. I especially loved the story about the old woman with the red boots and it moved me deeply. These stories aren't just for women or for "late bloomers." There is an abundance of wisdom here. Clarissa surprised me by speaking about war crimes and human suffering in the last chapter, and the importance of holding on to hope. She was talking about a civil war in Guatemala years ago yet it is still so relevant to the current war in Ukraine and other parts of the world. It helped me to process some of my own anguish and pain related to these tragic and horrific events. I have enjoyed all of the recordings in the Dangerous Old Woman series and highly recommend them.
- audiobook mythology-fairytale psychology
157 reviews
It's amazing how collectively shared myths and stories still feel like they witness your experience directly. This is their power. Incubation and building/toiling toward something in the dark is not wasted time. And one thing that I have been learning clearly... the "obstacles" in the path might not actually be obstacles or things to overcome, surmount or steer around... they may *be* the path. We want to wait for perfection before we unveil something, but most often, creating from the place of woundedness or illness *is* where the creative force is - not *waiting* or *hoping* to become normal and shiny and then doing our thing. CPE has an amazing, soothing, soulful voice and this was deeply relaxing to listen to.
- art-creativity lotus myths-archetypes-folktales
7 reviews
Some people say that they could listen to their favorite author recite a grocery list and be happy with it. This is that author/storyteller for me. One hour of listening to Clarissa Pinkola Estés feels like 10 minutes at most. The only reason I didn't finish this book sooner is that I haven't been going on a lot of walks lately, which is when I usually like to listen to audiobooks. However, I decided to break my little rule and start listening to this one again, walk or no walk. And I was not disappointed. The way Clarissa tells stories with such care and wisdom is inspiring and phenomenal. I physically cannot listen to her speak without immediately feeling held, inspired, and comforted. I'm giving this 5 stars and I can't wait to listen to the rest of the series.
88 reviews
While some of the tales are quite gruesome, CPE delivers the messages with beauty, poetry, grace and clarity. This was exactly what I needed at this time in my life. I especially resonated with the suggestion that I may be exhausted not because I need to Rest but because I need to Decide. Amazing shifts are happening for me with this one little cue - which was but one gem in a whole treasure chest filled with comfort, support and fierce wisdom.
Sarah Mann
19 reviews
This series has been my grounding and centering force as I find myself starting over at 45. It’s an everyday reminder that things aren’t always supposed to follow a plan, that we have the ability to find beauty and laughter anytime we want to, that within our psyche we can find paths to grow beyond any traumas or tragedies. Truly inspirational and written from a grounded and personal stand point that really feels accessible.
51 reviews
I listened to this onAudible. I love Clarissa Pinkola Estes! Hearing her is like a grandmother telling me a story, and my grandmother died before I could remember any of her stories. The messages from these tales go in deep, and I am forever grateful for this woman sharing her work with this world. This one, in particular, resonates deeply with me. I will be listening to it again.
Lailei Parker
8 reviews
This book changed my world… I can’t fully express what all of the books in this series have transformed in my life. If you need help and you don’t know how to help yourself fully, or you need a friend / elder to guide you, THIS is the only series you need. These books help you HEAL. Read all or any of these books.
Jozien Fokkert
2 reviews25 followers
I love everything from this amazing story teller and writer!
Amazing and life changing its actually for all ages. For me its about maybe rebirth instead of being an elder or a late bloomer, or maybe thats the same :)
747 reviews
Story #3 was my favorite of this book. I LOVE this series.
- audiobooks
799 reviews4 followers
I loved this audio book. This is a must read.
- myth
Veronica Vargo
83 reviews3 followers
A self help book I’m proud to be reading! A colorful librarian said she LOVES this author and recommended Women Who Run with the Wolves.
3,428 reviews
I enjoyed the myths and stories especially in this book and appreciated it was read by the author who has a very interesting voice.
- witchy
59 reviews3 followers
It's hard to rank Clarissa's books as they all seem to win my heart and favoritism after I finish. But this one was awe-some. The Dangerous Old Woman series is a must-read for women.
154 reviews38 followers
"Play your music, even if to no one, and an aperture will appear." A tale of tales about breaking out of tales and into your true tale.
- psycholosophy
18 reviews
Very healing for the burnout👍🏼
- faerytales feminism memoirs
306 reviews2 followers
4.5 So much wisdom and guidance for those who identify with the late bloomer archetype.
Shreya Mandal Bibliotherapist
96 reviews
Clarissa Pinkola Estés is an embodiment of self-actualization and psychosynthesis for women of color who have chosen a similar professional and personal path. I feel so grateful for the road she has traveled and the wisdom she shares with us. What an inspiration! I receive this blessing fully.
5 reviews
What a great session of a psychoterapy.... Whilst listening that wonderful and soothing voice of the Author. I have it in the audio version. Highly recommend to everybody who is on the path .... The Late Bloomer is an archetype of an ancient woman...But dear Gentelman....
Do not be offended as The Late Bloomer could be anybody of us...regardles the gender.... Happy reading or listening to everybody❤️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
4 reviews
Great read. Well, actually I listened to it. Love the myths and the connections to the different times we bloom in life. I will listen again and again
63 reviews
There is discussion of violence and traumatic events that can be unsettling.
- 2021readingchallenge adult-fiction
25 reviews2 followers
explores the myths of the "late bloomer" and ways to owning our true selves